Shaman Totems
Ancestor Spirit Totem
- Granted Power
- You gain Blindsense within 30 ft, and a insight bonus of +1 per 5 levels to AC, or that plus your Wisdom bonus if unarmored.
- Planted Totem Power
- Allies within 30 ft gain Blindsense 30 ft and a +2 enhancement bonus to their spellcasting ability score, or a +4 bonus to Spot and Listen checks if not spellcasters.
- Totem Spells
:2. Augury F: Learns whether an action will be good or bad. No material component necessary for Shamans.
:3. Speak with Dead: Corpse answers one question/two levels.
:4. Divination: Provides useful advice for specific proposed actions. No material component necessary for Shamans.
:5. Commune: Spirits of the dead answer one yes-or-no question/level. No XP component necessary for Shamans. Knowledge limited to what the dead would know (less than deities, but much more than mortals).
:6. Astral Recall: As Word of Recall, but 6th level for Shamans.
:7. Resurrection M: Fully restore dead subject.
:8. Astral Projection M: Projects you and companions onto Astral Plane.
:9. Ankh of Life M: Immediate action; if you die within 1 round after invoking this spell, you become immune to soul trapping magics, and are automatically resurrected the following round with no level loss, with 10% of your maximum hit points. Material component: your Ancestral Spirit totem.
Ragefire Totem
- Granted Power
- Your melee weapon inflicts +1d6 fire damage, or +1d10 on a critical hit (+2d10 if a x3 weapon). In addition, creatures you critically hit are engulfed in flames, and will burn for an additional 1d6 each round until they spend a full round action to put themselves out, or until they roll a 1 on the fire damage that round.
- Planted Power
- Allies within 30 ft gain a +2 enhancement to Strength, and all of their weapons inflict 2 points of fire damage. Fire spells cast by allies are at +2 DC. Allies are not affected by fire damage caused by your Ragefire Totem spells.
- Totem Spells
:1. Burst of Fire: Inflict 2d6+1/level fire damage in 5 ft radius around yourself (Ref half), gain +5 bonus to Intimidate for 1 minute.
:2. Absorb Flame: You negate a fire up to Large size (or counterspell a fire spell of 3rd level or lower) to grant yourself a +4 to Strength and Dexterity and immunity to fire for 1 rd / level.
:3. Greater Burst of Fire: Inflict 1d6/level fire damage in 30 ft radius around yourself (Ref half), you are unaffected.
:4. Fire Shield: Creatures attacking you take fire damage; you're protected from heat or cold.
:5. Firenova Totem : You ignite your totem (if wielded, or your melee weapon if totem is planted). It catches fire over 1 round. Thereafter, you may make a melee touch attack with the totem (or weapon) which inflicts 1d8 fire damage per level. The totem (or weapon) can maintain the charge for up to 1 minute.
:6. Column of Fire: You conjure fire in a 10 ft radius cylinder, 40 ft high. Anyone touching the column (including those inside at the time of casting) suffers 1d6/level fire damage, no save. The next round, the cylinder reduces in height to 20 ft, and inflicts half damage on those who touch it. The following round, it disappears. Half of the damage it causes is from a divine source, and not subject to fire resistance.
:7. Channel the Phoenix: You ignite, causing damage to creatures near you and those who touch you as a Wall of Fire. Each hit point of damage you inflict, you heal one hit point of damage. This healing can grant you temporary hit points up to twice your normal hit point maximum. Lasts 1-rd/level.
:8. Weapon of Ragefire : Your melee weapon inflicts 1d8 fire damage per 2 levels as a touch attack, instead of its normal damage. 1-rd/level.
:9. Elemental Fury: You become an elemental fury (fire elemental) as in the Druid's shapechange ability for 1 rd/level. You may use Fireball and Wall of Fire as spell-like abilities at will while in this form, and you may cast any of your Ragefire totem spells, bypassing the normal prohibition against spellcasting.
Stoneskin Totem
- Granted Power
- You gain DR 1 + Con bonus (of type DR/-).
- Planted Totem Power
- Your allies within 30 ft gain a +2 natural armor bonus and a +2 enhancement to Constitution.
- Totem Spells
:1. Earthbind: Enemies within 15 ft of you (or the planted totem) treat all squares as difficult terrain (double movement cost, cannot take 5 ft steps) for 1 minute/level.
:2. Stoneclaw: Conjures a small animated object made of stone (hardness 8) which attacks foes within 30 ft of you (or the planted totem) for 1 minute/level.
:3. Upset Earth: Creatures in 30 ft quarter-circle emanation must pass a Reflex save or fall prone; must roll Balance check (spell DC) to move, and then only at half speed. Concentration.
:4. Stoneroot: Subjects feet are embedded into the earth, and cannot move. No save for creatures with feet. Lasts 1-rd/3 levels.
:5. Earth Glide: For 1 rd/level, as a full-round action, you may sink into the earth (become invincible except to Move Earth spells) and reemerge anywhere within Short range just before your next action.
:6. Flesh to Stone: Turns subject creature into statue.
:7. Strength of the Mountain: You gain hardness 15, +6 enhancement to Strength, +8 to natural armor. Your speed is reduced to half. 1-rd/level.
:8. Weapon of the Earth: Your melee weapon becomes very large and heavy, inflicting 4d6+1.5 times Strength (bludgeoning damage). With every strike, it knocks the target back (as your bull rush check +12) and stuns for 1 round (Fort negates).
:9. Elemental Fury: You become an elemental fury (earth elemental) as in the Druid's shapechange ability for 1 rd/level. You may use Stoneroot and Stoneskin (no component, lasts only as long as this spell) as spell-like abilities at will, and you may cast any of your Stoneskin totem spells, bypassing the normal prohibition against spellcasting.
Water of Life Totem
- Granted Power
- Your Conjuration (Healing) spells are cast at +2 caster level. Also, you can walk on water.
- Planted Totem Power
- Allies within 30 ft gain temporary hit points equal to 1 per your level + your Wis bonus. Natural healing occurs at double speed while within radius.
- Totem Spells
:2. Geyser: A vent of steam erupts from the ground beneath a target in Short range, inflicting 1d6+1/level fire damage, and knocking the creature over on a failed Reflex save.
:3. Freeze: Target touched must pass a Reflex save or be frozen in place by a solid block of ice; can attempt a Strength check (your DC) each round as a full-round action to escape. Lasts 1-rd/level.
:4. Chill Wind: Targets in 30' cone suffer 1d6/level cold damage, and must pass a Fort save or suffer hypothermia (treat as fatigued).
:5. Pillar of Water: Cylinder of water, 10' radius, 40' high, lifts all targets off their feet. They cannot move, they must swim, and they begin to drown if they need to breathe air. The water is considered stormy water and requires a DC 20 Swim check to move within. Lasts 1 round/level.
:6. Pillar of Ice: Target in Medium range suffers 1d8/level frost damage, Fort half, and is frozen in place as in Freeze. While frozen, target suffers 1/level frost damage per round.
:8. Deep Freeze: One target/level in Medium range must pass a Reflex save or be frozen in place by a solid block of ice; can attempt to escape as a full-round action by passing a Strength check (your DC). Lasts 1-rd/level.
:9. Prison of Ice: Target touched is imprisoned in a block of ice permanently, Will negates.
Windfury Totem
- Granted Power
- You gain an extra melee attack in a full attack action, though the second attack suffers a -5 penalty to hit.
- Planted Totem Power
- Allies within 30 ft of a planted air totem gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and a 10% miss chance against a target of their choice (as in the Dodge feat, but the effect stacks for allies with that feat).
- Totem Spells
:1. Lightning Orb: 1 orb inflicts 1d8 electrical damage with ranged touch, no save, 2 orbs at 3rd level, 3 at 5th, 4 at 7th, and 5 at 9th.
:2. Lightning Shield: Orbs of lightning revolve around you, inflicting 1d6+1/level once per round on anyone who attacks you in melee. You gain ER 10 (electricity), increasing to 20 at 7th level and 30 at 11th level.
:3. Cyclone: Medium subject must pass Reflex save or be picked up by winds and held 10 ft in the air for 1 rd/level; cannot move, attack, or cast spells.
:4. Greater Lightning Orb: Ranged touch inflicts 1d6/level electrical damage, no save, and half that to two other targets within 15 ft of subject.
:5. Shock:Immediate action; inflict 1d4/2 levels electrical damage to subject within Short range. Can use to disrupt a spellcaster.
:6. Grace of Air: You and allies within 30 ft gain Air Walk, with +30 ft movement.
:7. Thunder and Lightning: Inflict 1d6/level electrical damage in Medium line as Lightning Bolt, plus 1d6/2 levels sonic damage within 20 ft of self (Fort half sonic, Ref half electrical).
:8. Weapon of the Wind: Swift action; you gain an additional attack in a full attack for 1 rd/3 levels. Stacks with granted power, haste, and similar abilities.
:9. Elemental Fury: You become an elemental fury (air elemental) as in the Druid's shapechange ability for 1 rd/level. You may use Lightning Bolt and Gust of Wind as spell-like abilities at will while in this form, and you may cast any of your Windfury totem spells, bypassing the normal prohibition against spellcasting.
- Favored Spells:
Call Lightning : When cast while wielding this totem, this spell always inflicts 3d10 damage as if cast during a thunderstorm.
Call Lightning Storm: When cast while wielding this totem, this spell always inflicts 5d10 damage as if cast during a thunderstorm.